The National Stud at Kladruby nad Labem is one of the oldest studs in the world and home to the oldest original Czech horse breed: the Kladruber horse. In 2002 the grey nucleus herd of the breed gained the Czech national cultural heritage status.
The tradition of horse breeding in Kladruby nad Labem stretches back to at least the late 14th century. For over three hundred years (1579–1918) it was an Imperial Court Stud providing horses for the royal and imperial court in Prague and Vienna. Nowadays the National Stud keeps around five hundred horses in two colours: grey and black. The 250 grey horses are stabled in Kladruby nad Labem proper, whereas the black horses, which also number 250, are bred in Slatiňany near Chrudim, in the former stables of the princely family of Auersperg.
In the times of the monarchy, the grey horses were used for ceremonial service at the imperial court. In fact, they are probably the only breed in the world which was bred specifically to pull coaches of the sovereigns. The black Kladruber horses were used mainly at funerals and during mourning periods at the royal court, but they were also used for representative service by high clergy.
The grey Kladrubers still serve at royal courts even today. In the Czech Republic the horses can often be seen at various celebrations at Prague Castle, mainly at special ceremonies of the Castle Guard, but they are also used by the mounted police in Pardubice, Ostrava and Prague.
In 2019 the landscape monument zone of Kladrubské Polabí was registred in the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO as the Landscape For Breeding And Training of Ceremonial Carriage Horses at Kladruby nad Labem.